
The fight against climate change caused by man is the most important environmental issue today. Varmorka uses an advanced and proven technology that uses waste heat to produce electricity. The future of sustainability is waste heat.

The Problem

The company had grown a lot since they released their first websites. They wanted to showcase properly what they were doing, showcase their team and publish more details about the company. Their current website was a simple single page website

How we solved it

We started by figuring out what content should be used to construct the new website in collaboration with Varmaorka. We decided to design a new site from scratch since with the new more complicated site we decided to use React. Varmaorka did have great text content and a lot of information about their projects. We got help from a professional photographer RafnSig with photographs of Icelandic scenery in the locations where Varmaorka is setting up their heatpower plants.

What was created

We designed a beautiful website that reflects what Varmaorka is doing, helping resolve the issue of greenhouse gas emissions with renewable energy. We constructed the new website in NextJS. Bonsai also created explanatory images to help people understand how their machines work. Since theN we have helped them with other graphic resources.

Technical Stack

React JS




Core Services




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