
They are Iceland’s first online shopping center. They have a mobile app for Android and Apple devices and now they have a web app as well. Mynto’s solutions offer their customers an easier online shopping experience with Icelandic retailers. There you can buy products from multiple different stores, create wish lists and get it all delivered to you.

The Problem

Mynto had made a high quality mobile app. The mobile app serves their returning customers extremely well but the entry barrier could be a problem. They wanted to get their web app up and running as soon as possible so it would be easier for new customers to get to know Mynto. Their software team is very capable of doing so but they wanted our help in order to get the product to market faster. They also needed help with new designs for the web app. They had made designs for the mobile app that needed to be fitted to the requirements of a browser web app.

How we solved it

For more developers to get efficiently involved in the project it required a high level of project management. Bonsai has great experience in project management so we could help Mynto’s team set up orderly rules for the development team that lowered the complexity of the progress. The codebase for their web app is in Next.js, a server side rendering framework for React.

What was created

Bonsai designed the web app in relation to Mynto’s mobile app that was already out. The design was intended to maximize user experience within the new web app and be something easy for the eyes. Along with Mynto’s team we developed a brand new web app in record time. Regarding the project management we set up which is our new favorite project management tool. We are really happy with the outcome and look forward to seeing Mynto grow. The collaboration will keep on going and Bonsai will be at hand for future development.

Technical Stack

Next.js React


Core Services

Web app



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