
Icepack specialize in packaging solutions for food and beverage manufacturers. Their goal is to offer professional advice on the choice of packaging and related equipment. They also provide their customers with research products and solutions in ice cream production.

The Problem

Icepack wanted to update the appearance of their website and get their message better across to their customers. They wanted us to present the list of their suppliers in a convenient way. Search engine optimization was also important to them.

How we solved it

We designed a new website from scratch and could build it around their current website. We also wanted to create some content to make the website more lively.

What was created

We made a beautiful new website for Icepack. We are very experienced in search engine optimization so it was easy for us to have that bulletproof for them. We fixed up their logo a bit and had a photoshoot for their staff. Bonsai also made illustrations for the website and created digital resources that could be used for their social media.

Technical Stack

React JS


Sanity CMS

Core Services





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let’s work together.